Providing me with information regarding how the Main calculates it's hashsum. Some chao offsets obtained from Fusion's chao documentation. Sonic Adventure 2: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC: Sonic Adventure 2 was re-released in high-definition format via Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and Steam throughout October 2012. Tool creation, offset gathering (primarily main save offsets). Your save will be converted and saved to the location of the original save file you selected unless you're appending the save to a 360/PS3 save in which case it'll be saved to the same folder as the save you requested it be appended to.For 360/PS3 you'll be asked if you'd like to add the save to an existing file.
For Gamecube you'll be prompted to select a region and for main saves you'll also be prompted to choose a save file number. Select the version of SA2 you'd like to convert the save to.If selecting a 360/PS3 main save you will be prompted to choose a specific file. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Sonic Adventure DX DLC edit Sonic Adventure for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 requires the Sonic Adventure DX Add-on in order to unlock Mission Mode and Metal Sonic, it also contains an additional 3 trophies and achievements. Select the save file you'd like to convert using the button at the bottom right.A tool for converting Sonic Adventure 2 save files between PC, Gamecube, PS3 and Xbox 360.